I saw a lesson/video somewhere about the first cast on stitch and I tried the tip and loved it, but now I can’t remember what it was and can’t find it again.
Does anyone know what it is?
I might be mixing 2 tips together, I’m not sure.
I think there was something to do with making 2 slip knots at the start of casting on, and perhaps removing one or both later on?
I think the tip might be something to do with not counting the slip knot when casting on and then when you’ve done a few rows, which connects the stitches, you undo the slip knot and the magically the knitting does not unravel.
The point of the tip was to eliminate that little hole on the very first cast on stitch and it makes the beginning even with the rest.
It’s not vital, most times the end gets woven in here and hides that hole anyway. But I remember seeing a video and loving it. And kicking myself I didn’t write it down