Looking for a cast on tip


I saw a lesson/video somewhere about the first cast on stitch and I tried the tip and loved it, but now I can’t remember what it was and can’t find it again.
Does anyone know what it is?

I might be mixing 2 tips together, I’m not sure.
I think there was something to do with making 2 slip knots at the start of casting on, and perhaps removing one or both later on?
I think the tip might be something to do with not counting the slip knot when casting on and then when you’ve done a few rows, which connects the stitches, you undo the slip knot and the magically the knitting does not unravel.

The point of the tip was to eliminate that little hole on the very first cast on stitch and it makes the beginning even with the rest.
It’s not vital, most times the end gets woven in here and hides that hole anyway. But I remember seeing a video and loving it. And kicking myself I didn’t write it down

For long tail cast ons in the round or knit flat you don’t have to use a slip knot. Drape the yarn over the right needle, hold onto it with your right index finger and continue the cast on.
In the round, an extra cast on stitch at the end can be knit or purled together with the first stitch to make a neater join.
I haven’t seen a video to 2 slip knots but it sounds intriguing.

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This tip was for either knit cast on or cable cast on. I know this as they are the only sort I know.

I’ve heard of long tail cast on and thumb cast on but have never learned either, maybe I should.
I have not knitted in the round yet either. Tried a sample as a experiment once to try magic loop. I was not very successful. Something else to learn.

Hmm, maybe someone else will have an idea?
I’ll keep looking out for it anyway and if I ever find it again I’ll let you know.

Thanks for your thoughts :blush:

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Well, I found something (and have been trying to re-find this for ages!). I know this isn’t one of the videos I originally saw but I think this combines the 2 methods I saw for the first stitch cast on, and it has another tip for the last stitch too which I’d never seen before.

I think what I’d seen were

  1. Don’t count the slip knot when casting on, don’t knit it on the first row but let it drop off and pull it out.
  2. Don’t count first 2 on cable cast on (this must have been my 2 slip knot memory, but its only 1 slip knot and one knit cast on), dont knit them on row 1 hut let them drop off and pull out.

This video has an extra cast in at the end of the row of the cable cast on to neaten up the corner. K2tog or p2tog on row 1 to get back to the right number.

Well, the mystery is over.
I learned the cable rib cast on from another video whilst I was searching so that’s a bonus too.


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