Long Tail Cast On Question

Hello, my question is about the Long Tail Cast On. I understand how to do this however I have a question about after I’ve cast on. After I’ve cast on and I turn the needle to start knitting the first row. Am I correct in saying in the position the tail should be coming out of the back and the yarn connected to the ball in the front. My question is if the yarn tail is coming out of the back when I start knitting do I pull the tail to the front after the first stitch or just leave alone so it comes out of the back of the work (in the corner). I think this is correct as it makes sense that it comes out of the back for when it’s stitched in at the end. Is this correct? Thanks for all of your help.

I think this is more a matter of personal preference. The tail will eventually be woven in or become part of a seam so it depends on how you like to use that tail.
For knitting in the round, I like the tail coming to the front so that it can wrap around the cast on to the back to be woven in. That way it looks like another cast on stitch.

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