Long Crochet Hooks

My mother used to crochet all the time. She gave me some old tools and I wonder what the long crochet hooks are used for. Hairpin Lace? I have a couple of them and really have no use for them in my knitting, I don’t think and will gladly share them with someone who can use them. Please let me know and thanks in advance. Mary

They are probably used for “Afghan Stitch” crochet…Look up “Afghan Stitch” and you’ll see why the needle is soo long…:hug:

[COLOR=blue]I learned how to crochet using a long hook :heart: - they are so much more comfortable to use (for me). It is very hard to use a regular hook after using a long one. I had one size lol… used it for everything because at the time I could not find any in stores. Your Mum is so sweet :hug: to share her tools with you. [/COLOR]

I’ll check this out… I love to make afghans, may have to just keep them. She taught me how to crochet so that shouldn’t be a problem. Thanks for the info!

That’s the name of the stitch “Afghan” and I am thinking “tunisian stitch” too…do the needles have a stopper on the end? If they do, that’s what the needle is used for, you carry on the stitches across the needles (kinda like knitting)therefore they (the needles is longer).But google “afghan or tunisian stitch” and see whatcha get…It is a “nice and fun” way to needlecraft…:thumbsup:

Now, that’s kinda neat…looks like sort of a cross between knit and weaving when you get done. I also have a wooden, double ended crochet hook as well. One end is worn and doesn’t have the hook anymore but I imagine it was used for the same purpose? The aluminum single end hooks do not have stoppers, or maybe they do, they have a cap at one end like a knitting needle. I’ll have to try this, the tutorials on the “Stitchdiva” site are good. Thanks, again, Cheley!

Glad I could help!!! Check this site out:
have fun!!

My mom used to crochet all the time and I remember the long hooks in her bag o’tools. I don’t ever recall her using the hook though.