Little things & Big things

Hi, folks! :muah: I have been working on my first sock (I will wait and post pictures when I have finished the second sock…:wink:) and the low-cost version of the Portuguese Fisherman’s sweater for my husband (see photo below). :woohoo: It is taking me so long to do this sweater because in the meantime I have knitted sweaters for my grandchildren (boy age 6, girl age 5) (see photos below). :knitting: I have successfully conquered continental knitting (so the fair isle work you see on my grand daughter’s sweater was done with both yarns at once - one traveling continental style, the other English style!). :woot: I am so good, I don’t know why they don’t pay me more! :mrgreen: Little Audrey (aka Audrey the Modest):angelgrin:

Looks awesome…I especially like the heart sweaters! :inlove:

Everything looks fabulous! What exactly do you mean by “low-cost version”??? What kind of yarn are you using? It looks beautiful!

:yay: Everything looks wonderful!!

oh my! Busy busy! They look FANTASTIC! I love the heart sweater! How great for Valentine’s day…(I’d never get it done in time if I started now, huh?)


Everything looks really great!! Those little sweaters for your grandchildren are adorable! :heart:

Everything looks lovely! Congrats on making the switch! I’ve heard it’s good for color work.

GREAT job!

Everything looks wonderful! You’ve been a busy girl :thumbsup: I love how the Fisherman’s sweater is turning out :heart:

WOW!!! They all look incredible!! CONGRATS!

Compare cost of acrylic yarn vs wool yarn! I estimate the complete sweater in RedHeart Grande (acrylic) to be ab out $35 and in Lion WoolEase twisted with Lion Wool to be about $60 (I bought these worsted yarns on sale and will use them double-stranded).

Lots of work! Great job!

Wow, you’ve been busy. They all look great!