Hi, folks! I have been working on my first sock (I will wait and post pictures when I have finished the second sock…) and the low-cost version of the Portuguese Fisherman’s sweater for my husband (see photo below). :woohoo: It is taking me so long to do this sweater because in the meantime I have knitted sweaters for my grandchildren (boy age 6, girl age 5) (see photos below). :knitting: I have successfully conquered continental knitting (so the fair isle work you see on my grand daughter’s sweater was done with both yarns at once - one traveling continental style, the other English style!). :woot: I am so good, I don’t know why they don’t pay me more! :mrgreen: Little Audrey (aka Audrey the Modest):angelgrin:
Little things & Big things
Looks awesome…I especially like the heart sweaters!
Everything looks fabulous! What exactly do you mean by “low-cost version”??? What kind of yarn are you using? It looks beautiful!
:yay: Everything looks wonderful!!
oh my! Busy busy! They look FANTASTIC! I love the heart sweater! How great for Valentine’s day…(I’d never get it done in time if I started now, huh?)
Everything looks really great!! Those little sweaters for your grandchildren are adorable!
Everything looks lovely! Congrats on making the switch! I’ve heard it’s good for color work.
GREAT job!
Everything looks wonderful! You’ve been a busy girl I love how the Fisherman’s sweater is turning out
WOW!!! They all look incredible!! CONGRATS!
Compare cost of acrylic yarn vs wool yarn! I estimate the complete sweater in RedHeart Grande (acrylic) to be ab out $35 and in Lion WoolEase twisted with Lion Wool to be about $60 (I bought these worsted yarns on sale and will use them double-stranded).
Lots of work! Great job!
Wow, you’ve been busy. They all look great!