Little Tara on Christmas morning

Just thought I’d post pictures of my new little girl. I can’t knit at this time. I can do a little computer now and then.
This is the sweetest little dog I have ever had :heart:

She’s adorable! Happy puppy training…hope she catches on quick for you.

Awww, she so cute!


What a sweetie pie! She looks so happy!


She’s all like “This my bear-go get your own!”

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: ADORABLE!!:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

She is an absolute doll baby. :heart:

So cute!

:heart: :heart:

Awwww, she’s adorable!! She looks so sweet!

She’s adorable. Be forwarned, my parents have a yorkie and they have been told by a yorkie specialist that they can be the most hard-headed dogs he’s ever come across. Toby is 4 and he still will pee in the house from time to time. I hope and pray that she is a bit more level headed and you wont have such problems!

BUT on the flip side, Toby has a WONDERFUL personalty, which they wouldn’t give him back for the world. He LOVES to swim too! :slight_smile: Might get her a little wading pool when she gets a bit older. Toby does laps around my parents inground pool.


Thanks Danielle, I have had better luck with trainning female’s in the past. I think male dogs are just [U]hard headed[/U] in general :wink:
The male yorky I have is 4.5 years old. He will piddle or poo in the house if I leave him alone or if I’m asleep. He does very well if I’m here and up. I tried to let him sleep with me. He would get up in the nite, not wake me to go out, just go do his busness:grrr: I take a female over a male dog anyday. He needed a home. I didn’t pick him. He was left behind when his owner moved from my daughter’s neighborhood. He’s sweet and all that butttt!!! :teehee:

Oh. My. Goodness!! :heart::heart: What a sweet little baby!