little coat

So my husband sewed the coat together for me, but one side is cast on, and one side is cast off on the sleeves- There is a huge difference between the two- one is loose and one is tight- it looks a little weird because there is an obvious discrepancy, can I fix this a bit by blocking? The one side with the cast off is a lot tighter- I don’t think anything is going to help.

If you can you might remove the cast off and redo it more loosely. Go up a needle size or more if you do.

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Thanks, I did that it isn’t as loose as the other side but it does seem a lot better! I honestly can’t remember what size of needle I used for the project, but I cast off with a 5.5 and a darning needle- it doesn’t quite match, but it is a lot better than it was! Just have to sew on buttons and weave in the ends. I will post pictures soon! :slight_smile:


The picture doesn’t show the color- it is blue.


Well done! It’s so cute too.