Hi there, I’m onto baby booties in the round, bottom up, at the moment (no pattern) and with the current pair, I’m wanting to incorporate a Vikkel braid on the first row of the foot straight after working the sole. The method I use is from Mimi at Pastiche, it’s a little tighter than the standard method and doesn’t result in loose loops when finished. The first bootie, no problem but, being a little pedantic (ok, a lot), I was hoping to make the braid point the other way on the second one. Is there a way to do this in the round. Not sure where to go with this except maybe flip it inside out and work it purling the other way. Not even sure that’s possible and I’ve no doubt a few other problems will crop up, how to close holes etc. if anyone has any ideas, I’d greatly appreciate it.
Many thanks
S x
PS. I don’t love the Latvian braid, I know that can be worked to point the other way but it’s a little bulky for what I’m after. Thanks again.
Left Pointed Estonian/Vikkel Braid
I’ve never used this braid but it’s very pretty. Don’t see how to work it in reverse but maybe you could try knitting right to left? I’ll have to try it out.
Thankyou salmonmac, this is the method I’m using, it’s a little easier I think, with no having to shuffle stitches around. I’ll have a play though with trying to work out a way to work the points the other way. Knitting backwards? I’ve heard that’s a method for knitters that hate purling. I’m not sure I have the fortitude for it though ;))
Thanks again
I knit backwards for short rows of stockinette, I learned to do it for turning sock heels. Basically it’s left handed knitting. I knit Continental but when I don’t turn the work I’m knitting English, left handed. I can’t purl left handed. I thought I had an idea of how to make the stitches lay the other direction but it didn’t work. Maybe I’ll try again tomorrow.
Hey there GrumpyGramma, ha! I’ve never tried knitting backwards but as far as I’m aware, all the stitches would be mounted the wrong way for backward knitting, so the need to work every stitch through the back loops, both knit and purl stitches I’d find a bit of a concentration overload. Backwards with a useless left hand, certainly would end in tears for me. I may give it a go one day though…
The mount of the sts won’t change. Here’s a video for making entrelac easier just as GG uses the technique for sock heels. It’s a bit to get your head around for the braid but it might work.
Mmm, ok, definitely something to give a try. I’m having trouble visualising it though, I’ll have to get stitches on needles. If I’m for instance working flat, don’t turn my work, then start working backwards/left handed, my stitches would be mounted the wrong way, so surely I’d need to work through the back loops. Mmmm, like I said, stitches on needles:))))))
The stitch mount depends on which way the yarn is wrapped on the needle. My stitches are mounted the same knitting either direction. Since as a Continental knitter I knit backwards more or less English I’m supposing an English knitter would work backwards more or less Continental. At first I tried moving the yarn to the other hand but that didn’t last long.
ETA I watched the video salmonmac linked and it confirmed my thought that an English knitter would work in more of a Continental style working backward. This is also called mirror knitting.
Ok, I’m a bit confused. Yes, the mounting of my stitches will be the same but, when I go back as left hander, the stitches would be mounted the wrong way (for a left hander - the leading leg is coming from the back), so surely they’d all need to be worked through the back loops. That’s what it looks like with the video salmonmac linked. What am I missing? Haven’t got to my second boot yet, and frankly, I’m thinking a crochet overlay would’ve been better Yet another prototype
This is going to be something best worked out on a swatch. If the sts are mounted incorrectly then yes, work through the back loop. I haven’t had a chance to try it myself yet.
Would the same braid going in the same direction on the second bootee look so off?
You are right salmonmac, no one would ever notice the braid going the other way and frankly neither would I. Having said that though, I’m always trying to work out how to do something that’s new to me. You have opened my eyes with left handed knitting though - if I could get the hang of it, it would make quite a few stitches so much simpler
Thanks again
It’s always good to be curious about how to work things and new possibilities. Good luck with these bootees and many more techniques to come. We’d love to see a photo when you finish!
As this hasn’t been resolved I thought I’d give it a go.
If you are happy with the result in my photo you can work this mirrored braid on the wrong side, working purls. Turn your work to work on the wrong side, when you reach the beginning of the round again finish the braid off by sewing on the right side so you can see what you’re doing and if there is a hole produced by having turned the work and worked a round in the opposite direction, you can use the tail from the braid to close it up.
Bottom braid is as the video. Ignore the first few stitches as I began a few stitches in like on the video, also ignore the stitch increase, I forgot to dec 1 (the one extra that was added on the video) before working the next rows.
Top braid is the mirror braid. Again ignore the first few stitches as I began a few in from the edge.
WS row. Set up:
Lifted bar increase: with left needle lift the bar between the stitches entering from behind to front.
Twist the increased stitch: slip knit wise on to right needle to form twist. Slip stitch back to left needle purl wise. It is twisted. (Twisting this stitch and working into it is the hardest part of the braid, persevere through this and the rest is easy)
YO: yarn begins in front as this is a purl row, take yarn over the right needle to the yarn in back position, bring it between the needles to the yarn in front position.
Slip stitch from right needle back to left needle purl wise.
Then repeat (YO, p2tog, slip back) to end of round, work final p2tog then cut yarn, pull tail through last braid stitch and sew through 2nd braid stitch to join the braid.
Thankyou Creations, I was thinking the same and try working it on the wrong side. I’m just finishing off the first boot so not too far off having a go. You’re method is the same as I did on the right side except I K2TogTBL. So I will probably P2togTBL when I flip it over. I’ll let you know how I go. Thanks again S x
OK sure you can try p2togtbl but it didn’t work at all that way for me.
My first try was p2tog, which worked. Then I tried p2togtbl because it seemed to make sense with the first braid being tbl as you said, however it was totally unsuccessful. The stitches all go in the wrong place.
However, try it.
You’re right, right now I’m visualising a YO, P2togTBL. Not a good image… Irrespective of the result, I don’t think I could work it, it’s tight enough as it is.
I need a cup of tea and a biscuit
Two biscuits at least.
In my sample only the first stitch was a pain to work, the rest were easy going.
Enjoy your cuppa.
And a piece of cake!
Absolute genius Creations! Your method and my madness worked a treat. It looks perfect, so much so, it’s better than the first boot worked on the right side. I’m wondering if that’s because the P2tog was worked through the front, the result is a lot looser. I felt that the first boot braid ended up way too tight, it was also quite difficult to work. I’ll have a tinker and see what happens.
Thankyou so much, like I said, Genius. You deserve some cake…
Sarah x
Ok, I’ve revisited the right side, just on a swatch. K2Tog through the front does not work, I’m assuming it was the same result you had when purling through the back on the wrong side. I gotta work on trying to loosen the stitches somehow, I think it lies with the YO. Next booties…
Thanks again Creations
Take care
S x