I’ve been searching for days for a forum or video that could help me. I came across yours and started reading some of the Q/As. I like what I read. I picked up my first pair of knitting needles when I was in grade school. Nine yrs. ago., a co-worker was knitting squares for a blanket. I remembered I knew how to knit and purl so I began knitting again. Anyway, I like a good challenge and this is the one. It’s a beautiful sweater knitted entirely in Rowan Kidsilk yarn by Zandra Rhodes - Yamanashi. I frogged it 2x. This will be my last attempt to get it right.
Here we go: First Section: CO 133 sts Work 62 rows, ending with RS facing for next row.
Dec 1 st at end of next 13 foll 8th rows. 119st.
Work 7 rows, ending with RS facing for next row:
Inc. 1 st at end of next and 4 foll 6th rows. 124 st.
Work 1 row, ending RS facing for next row.
Inc. 1 st at shaped (inner) edge 5th and 3 foll 6th rows, then on 2 foll 4th rows, then at same edge of foll 2 rows, ending with WS facing for next row and at same time dec 1 st at beg of next and foll 10th row row,
then on foll 8th row, then on 2 foll 6th rows. 127 sts. There are 2 sections for lower body and 2 for upper body - they are the same instructions for each section.
I tried working it out on paper, but I’m still confused. I know it’s a lot, but if someone at least get me started, It would be less overwhelming.
If you need to see the actual pattern, I can attach it for you.
Last Attempt to Knit Zandra Rhodes - Yamanashi Sweater
Beautiful design!
Did you have to frog the whole thing? Let’s hope that doesn’t happen again.
Before you move on to any bits you are unsure of you can put in a life line which can be a great help as it catches the stitches so you don’t lose all your knitting.
It’s best to use a fine thread, thinner than what you are khitting with. I use embroidery thread.
The shaping.
I wonder if there is a typo in your message or in the pattern.
The first part 14 stitch are decreased, from 133 to 119 so it will read
dec 1st at end of next AND 13 following 8th rows
If you call the next row, row 1 then the decreases are on rows 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57, 65, 73, 81, 89, 97, 105
That’s 14 decreased.
Work 7 rows straight
Inc at end of next and 4 following 6th rows
If you call the next row, row 1 then the increases are on rows 1, 7, 13, 19, 25
That’s 5 increased from 119 to 124 sts
Work 1 row straight
The next part has some Inc and dec going on at the same time, call next row row 1 again
Inc on shaped edge rows 5, 11, 17, 23, 27, 31, 32, 33
Dec beg of rows 1, 11, 19, 25, 31
That’s 8 Inc and 5 dec making 127 sts
I hope this helps
Do ask if you need more help and we’d, over to see a pic of work in progress or your finished project.
Welcome to KnittingHelp!
Well Zandra Rhodes doesn’t do it by halves, does she. It’s an elegant design that will be stunning in Kidsilk.
The first section starts with 133sts. After the 62rows decrease at the end of the next row, call it row 63. Then dec at the end of rows 71,79,87,95,103,111,119,127,135,143,151,159 and 167. (119sts)
Then work 7 rows and increase at the end of rows 175,181,187.193 and 199. (124sts)
Increase at the end of rows 205,211,217,223, then 227 and 231; 232 and 233.
At the same time decrease at the beginning of rows 201 and 211 then rows 219, 225 and 231. (127)
I will send pics when I finish this project. It doesn’t seem so overwhelming anymore. Thank you so much.
Yes, I frogged it twice. But now that I have a clearer understanding I can assure you that’s not going to happen again. I will use lifelines this time. The pattern is correct. I left out the AND, but you caught it.
Thank you for all your help! I will send pics as the project progresses.
Good to hear that it doesn’t seem so overwhelming now.
Enjoy your project.
It’s going to be fantastic. Looking forward to the photos!