larger gauge square needles

I have a preference for square needles (ideally metal) these days, but can’t seem to find any larger than 8mm, which is actually more like a 7mm conventional needle. I could really do with some 9mm (US13) circulars (at least 80cm/32").

The only non-round option I’ve been able to find is Prym ergonomics, which are OKish, but whilst I quite like the shape, especially of the tips, I’m really not keen on the synthetic material.

I don’t mind importing if necessary, and would be happy with either fixed or interchangeable.

Any ideas?

Knit Picks has interchangable cubic needles size 13 in laminated birch and cables that you can purchase separately. The needles are called Foursquare Majestic and the cables are:

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Thank you! Am I right in thinking these will work with Knitpro/Knitters pride as well? They’re certainly a lot cheaper than the artisan needles I’ve been looking at, which would work out at US$55 a pair shipped to the UK!

I’ve never tried that but there’s some reports online that the needles and cables are compatible. Maybe someone who has tried this will be able to comment.

Woolstack is in the uk and has these, but only up to 8mm.
Woolstack is quite good. Other than that maybe try on ebay?

the Addi Novels are probably my favourite of all my needles (and Woolstack are lovely, and local to me as well), but the 8mm really is only equivalent to a 7mm round and it’s a lot easier to follow patterns if I don’t have to mess around with tension too much.

I’ve given in and ordered some of the larger sizes in the Knit Picks with a couple of their swivel cables so I’ll see how they work. Annoyingly, they send you a nice discount code too late to use on a first order, so they ended up costing more they needed to. I suspect that I’ll need to do a bit of sanding and waxing to get them smooth enough for me, and if they work with the knitpros I’ve already got (but can’t find), that will be a bonus.

Just by way of a little update, the KnitPicks arrived (eventually) this week. Shipping was very slow with DHL leaving them sitting at the airport in Chicago for the best part of a week.

They’re not bad at all for wooden needles of this size, though, and the swivel cables I got with them are good. They’re pretty smooth, and although I’ll probably end up modifying the tips a bit, I’m happy.

Typically, I’m currently in the mood for small needle stuff :slight_smile:


I’m glad they worked out when they eventually arrived! What do you wax your needles with? I mean obviously you use wax, but what kind?

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I use Renaissance Wax (a microcrystalline conservation product), simply because it’s what I already have. It’s pretty inert and has no smell or noticeable texture and definitely helps smooth the surface of wooden needles.


Oh, that’s very interesting.