When correcting a stitch that looked odd several rows back, I noticed that the yarn bars were crossed so that the stitch above was using the bar from the stitch below. In order to get it right I had to ravel and correct about five columns of stitches. Before I was done I almost resorted to frogging the rows and wished I’d never noticed the funny looking stitch as I doubt it would have made a lot of difference in the ribbing of my sweater when it’s all done. I’ve had this happen before in st st. Anyhow, does anyone know what caused this, or the most likely culprit? I’m totally baffled.
"Ladder rungs" crisscrossed
If you were knitting while watching something on the TV, you might have mistakenly inserted the needle tip into the stitch below the one on the needle or the bar was picked up by purling it .
Thanks. I wondered if it was something like that. I couldn’t figure anything else, but as I’ve not been knitting long thought I’d check to see what someone else thought. I’ve crocheted for years and can fairly easily decide when something is OK to leave as is and try to forget about its being there but I’m still pretty new to knitting. Perfection is unattainable, I just don’t yet know what degree of imperfection is something I can try to ignore and live with.
I am glad that I could help you. When I discovered a missed stitch in the mitten I was knitting, I had to drop several stitches to get down to it , it was in the middle of the item and I had to drop several stitches side by side to correct it. On the back side it looks like I knitted a knit stitch when it should be a purl stitch but I do not have any purled stitches on the front side I don’t know how it happened bu as long as the front looks OK , I will not worry about it.