Lace shawl

I need help, I have been knitting for a long time and even have done some lace but never anything that has been charted. When you come to the end of the charting and must go on, how do you know how to do the correct stitches to add the extra rows.

Thanks for your help.

Often the chart has a box, perhaps outlined in red, that is the pattern repeat across the row and up the rows. Or the instructions for the pattern will say something like: “rows 3-30 set the pattern repeat” so that when you finish row 30 you go back and start again at row 3. See if there is something in the very beginning of the instructions
Can you post a link to the pattern?

It is a pattern I bought in my LYS. It starts out casting on 4 sts. It then increases one one each side until you use up all the yarn. I am not sure if I can post a link to the pattern and even if that is acceptable I do not know how to do it.

There is no box like you mentioned, in the instructions it just says to continue in pattern until you are ready to cast off.

Links are fine, just go to the pattern page (maybe on another tab of your browser) copy the url in the address line, then past it in here. It’s okay to write a couple rows of the pattern and then we can help you out. But the stitch repeat would be between *s or enclosed in () if it’s not charted.