Lace ribbon scarf - knitting and purling into 2yo's?

I’m currently knitting this pattern:

I’m getting really stuck though. I can do the row with all the increases and decreases, but it’s the next one of just knitting and purling thats stumping me. I always seem to end up with the wrong amount of stitches. I think it might be something to do with knitting and purling into the 2yo’s on the previous row. It just feels really wrong and almost like I’m not really knitting them sometimes?

Can anyone help me? I love this scarf and I’ve had to unravel it a ridiculous amount of times already!

Are you ending up with too few stitches or too many?

You just have to make sure both loops stay on the needle until they’re done. The 2nd one has a tendency to slip off while you’re doing the 1st one. Maybe take some left over yarn and practice. CO about 20, then k2 yo2, k1 k2tog, yo2, etc, then on the next row practice knitting and purling into them.