Lace Edged hand towel

I have had this project on the needles for 5 years! I finally decided I am going to finish (I have two on the needle at the same time) and now I can’t find the pattern! I did find some free pdf but I had some trouble with the download software. It was on the Wayback Time Machine, but I don’t know how to find it on there. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

So good to be finishing a project that has been hibernating. You might try messaging the designer although she has apparently retired the pattern.
You could also message the last 4 or 5 knitters who have made the towels and posted their projects on Ravelry. Explain that you’re finishing up this project started long ago and asking for their help. Perhaps one will be kind enough to send the pattern.

Thanks Marianne! I went to the last person who completed the project, and she had the wayback time machine as a note, and when I clicked it, the pattern was there! Thanks for the tip! :slight_smile:

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Lovely! I think I’ll add another panel and use this to make a blanket/lap robe. Thanks for pointing out the wayback link.