Lace bind off question

I finally ended up with a question about this lace and cable cardigan… ironically not about the cabling.

This is the pattern:

For the shaping armholes, I’m doing the second size. It says to bind off 8 stitches, and I’ll be on row 1 of the pattern when I get there. The 8th stitch will be a yarn over as part of the lace. How would I go about binding that off as it says to continue in pattern?


So this is the bind off row?
1st row: (RS). K1. *K6. yfwd. Sl1. K1.
psso. K1. K2tog. yfwd. Rep from * to
last 7 sts. K7

Instead of working the yfwd and the accompanying decrease (skp), work those sts as knits and complete the bind off of 8sts. (It will take 9sts to bind off 8sts.) Get back in pattern with the following K1, K2tog, yfwd.

I like the light look of this cardigan. Enjoy working on it!

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Does this mean that where the button holes will be on the right front, I would work this instead of the pattern and then go back to the pattern?

Mark the placement of the buttons on the left front. That way you’ll be able to determine where the buttonhole should be placed on the right front.

Knitters on Ravelry worked different kinds of buttonholes in the first 9sts near the front edge from a simple yarn over, k2tog to a one row buttonhole. That’s your choice.
The buttonholes are worked at the front edge, within the first 9sts of the right side (RS) row, the K1, (p1,k1)x4. Keep the other sts in pattern here and continue the pattern at the edge after you work the buttonhole.
Unfortunately the pattern close up of the buttonband doesn’t show the actual buttonhole.

What is the purpose of the front extension on the front of the cardigan? It feels like it’s going to go a lot past the top of the back?

Some of the extra sts are to accommodate the button and buttonhole bands. There are 9sts that are part of the front bands on each side which will overlap. There’s a bit more ease there and that is probably shape the chest in the front.

Oh, I meant the one at the end of the left front where it says to cast on the 10th stitch and then work essentially ribbing for 8 inches

Ah, I see where you mean. The left front band is going to continue after you’ve cast off for the shoulders. It will extend across the back over to the right front band. The extra stitch is a seam stitch which will be used to attach the band to the back of the sweater.

Is that why I don’t have to pick up stitches to do a neckband at the end?

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Exactly. Those 9sts up the front edges (one with buttonholes) will meet at the right shoulder. The extended left front band will cover the back at the neck and join to the right band at the right shoulder.

I dot know his pattern personally so I don’t know if what I’m going to suggest is possible, but I’ll mention it anyway.
When I have had a neck band extend like this, to be sewn on to the back neck, I have worked it to the length given but instead of binding off I have put the stitches on hold with the working yarn kept attached (or made a small ball of yarn a meter or 2 before cutting the yarn) and this way you ha e the option to tink back a few rows if it is too long or to add a few rows if it is too short. I like the option of altering by a few rows rather than forcing the band to fit. Once you work out the exact length and bind off with the yarn attached you can also use that yarn end to seam with if you wanted.

Okay last question on this pattern, once again about the left front extension….

How do I sew it? It says along back neck edge in the pattern, but then where does the cast off edge go? And if I attach it to the right front, I think I’m gonna have issues trying to wear it.

Wow, this sweater looks fantastic, right side or wrong side! Nice work.

The left neck extension extends all the way across the back neck and meets the right border at the right shoulder.
You can seam the two pieces together (red lines below) on the wrong sides. (If you wanted to take out the bind off you could join with 3 needle bind off or a Kitchener graft.)

It may be that you need to knit more of the left extension so that it comfortably meets the right border section.

Ooooohhh so like this

Almost. The blue line of the left neck extension should seam to the red line from the right neck. The two bound off edges will be joined to each other.

That right neck border (red) should be free and not seamed as part of the right shoulder.

Crap, I sewed it like that last night because I need to wear it tomorrow. I’ll make it work for now and then get my mother to undo it the next time I see her so I can fix it.

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Mom to the rescue, always a good idea! It looks fine as is but will be even better with the cast offs seamed to each other. Enjoy wearing this stunning sweater.