Knitty pattern Isabella

Would anyone be interested in knitting this with me
you would be helping me with my fears of not being able to tackle such detail :cheering:
This is one of the most feminine tanks I have seen

oops I think this is correct now

Lynn Lisiewski [color=violet][/color]

[size=2]Mod Squad was here (link fixed)[/size]

I’m thinking about doing this one, but I’m a bit afeard of it too.

It’s so pretty! :heart:

[color=violet][b][b][color=violet]the tank is marked tangy
which I guess is advanced beginner
I am using knitpicks shine sport 6 skeins are $17.00

Let me know what you think

my yarn should be here in a week [/color][/b][/b][/color][u][i]
Modesto, CA[/i][/u]

[color=blue]hmm Tank? I got a pic of socks when I tried the url. :shrug:

What did I do? lol


Nothing, she posted the link to Knitty’s main site. :slight_smile:


Nothing, she posted the link to Knitty’s main site. :slight_smile:

[color=blue]Thank you,
that is beautiful. :heart: . maybe when I am a little more experienced… in the to do pile for sure.


You beat me to it, cawthraven!

I just ordered the yarn for this in “Ardour”. So, it looks like I’m in.

Any experienced chart knitters thinking of joining us? It doesn’t look too bad, as charts go, but it’s still new to me.

My yarn should be here in approx 10 days

want to start the 20th just in case

did you buy in person or on line ? (correct link I hope) :??

ps I do not know how this works do we just pic a row to stop at or keep going and ask for help when needed

Lynn :cheering:

I have been thinking about this one as well. It doesn’t look too difficult, I’m just not sure I like the teeny tiny guage and needle size!

I may look for yarn this afternoon if I get a chance. If I find something good, I may go for it.

I think this is my favorite non-sock pattern in this issue of Knitty. Hmmm…I wonder if I have any stash yarn to use…Then again, one of my yarn stores is having a daylight savings time sale this weekend…

I got my yarn today

no I did not finish my blanket But I started it anyway

I am on row 6 of the back

looks good so far

I just started the 2nd ball

my eyelettes look even

I am excited :cheering: