I have a pattern that requires 2 colors. Here is an example of the instructions…
K1, m1(W), (k1, m1)x3, k1(B), m1, k1(W). (11 sts)
My question is, does the (W) mean use White for the K1 AND the m1 that is just before the (W) or does it mean just do the m1 in White? Same for the (B) black…Do I k1, m1 X3 , k1 in Black or do I just k1 in Black?
knitting with 2 colors
It’s likely that it’s just the stitch immediately before the (W) or (B). So only the first m1 is W. only the k1 is B and the next k1 W.
What is the name of your pattern?
The name of the pattern is Orca Whale from Two Sisters Teddy Bear Co.
That’s adorable. Thanks for the pattern name.
I know this isn’t my thread but I was wondering if you could explain this a little more @salmonmac as I don’t understand the colour change instruction.
If the (W) only means the one stitch it comes after, the make 1, and the (B) only means that k1 stitch it comes after, then…
What colour are the stitches between??
The (k1,m1)×3
If white is only before and black is only after?
@ldlmorga does your pattern have some explanation about what (W) and (B) means? Maybe it explains somewhere , maybe it means switch to white and stay with white until you come across a black (B) then stay with black until you comes across the next (W)?
I wish you luck with it, it’s a cute toy. Too hard for me to tackle!
Good point, Creations. Thank you.
@ldlmorga These project notes help with the explanation.
It was my mistake, the designation B or W does apply to all the sts before the letter as you suggested.