Hi! I am new member of this forum.
I’ve just started to make a hairband. (Its called “ropes and ladders hair Head band” - Book reference “Knitting 24/7” by Veronik Avery)
I could follow the chart that mentioned on the book to make the half part of hairband, but I don’t know how to continue because I could not understand the meaning of the pattern.
I made
CO22 sts and follow the Chart until piece measures 4 1/4. This part is half of the band. The chart is only row1 to row4 repeat again and again(row1 and row3 is RW, row2 and row 4 is WS) then ending with a WS row.
After that suppose to decrease to make “shape headband” part as follows,
Decrease Row 1 (RS): Decrease 2 sts this row, then every other row twice, as follows: Work 7 sts, ssp, work to last 9 sts, p2tog, work to end—16 sts.
Work even for 1 row.
I don’t understand this mean… because the chart has row 1 to row 4, then I just count how many I need to decrease total, but seems doesn’t make sense.
- Decrease 2 sts this row - this mean I need to decrease 2 sts for row 1 of the chart?
- then every other row twice - this “every other” mean row 2 to row 4 of the chart? but if so, the total decrease are 6 sts here then doesn’t make sense.
Decrease 2 sts * 3 times(row2,3,4) = 6 sts decrease but at the first I need to decrease 2 sts on the row 1…then total 8 sts decrease??
I’m really lost…if someone have same book or if someone can understand this meaning please help me out!
Thank you so much for reading.