Knitting Pattern Help

I have just started Berroco Aidez pattern. It uses cross-stitch cable pattern. I’m afraid I am stuck already. The pattern reads:
Row 2; K2, P4 wrapping yarn twice around needle for each purl st, K2Row 3; P2, sl 4 WYIB, dropping extra 4 wraps; return these 4 sts to LH needle, pass the first 2 sts slipped over the last 2; return these 4sts to LH needle and k them in this crossed position, p2.

I am totally lost!!! HELP

There’s an extra “…return these 4 sts to the LH needle…” in the directions; delete the one in brackets:
Row 2; K2, P4 wrapping yarn twice around needle for each purl st, K2Row 3; P2, sl 4 WYIB, dropping extra 4 wraps; [return these 4 sts to LH needle,] pass the first 2 sts slipped over the last 2; return these 4sts to LH needle and k them in this crossed position, p2.
For the purl sts with wraps, you begin to purl as usual but instead of wrapping the yarn once around the needle and then slipping the st off the needle, bring the yarn around the needle a second time so that you have two wraps on the RH needle when you slip the st off the LH needle. Do this for 4 purl sts. Then on the next row, slip the wraps to the RH needle, letting one of the wraps drop so you end up with 4sts on the RH needle (not the 8 wraps).
On the RH needle slip the first 2sts over the 2 nearest the needle point and then slip all 4 of these sts (the 2 slipped sts and the 2 on the needle) to the LH needle and knit them. You’re just reversing the order of the sts so that you get the cross st pattern. It seems like a pretty pattern. Good luck with it!

Hi salmonmac. I have tried your directions which make more sense, thank you. I have done two rows but can’t see the pattern properly yet. Will keep you informed and thanks again, much clearer when you explain it!

Try 4-8 rows of just this cross pattern on 8sts with scrap yarn. You should be able to see a kind of flattened cable. If it becomes a problem, I think a straight-forward cable over 4 st would look about the same, just a little tighter and more 3-dimensional but basically the same idea.

Thank you both so much for this thread. I also am trying new advanced patterns and I am also trying to knit this very pattern. I have just got through many projects and had finally started this pattern only to get caught at the very same section you refer to jra! I wouldn’t have found a solution if you hadn’t posted as nothing else came up through google. I am grateful salmonmac for your reply as I hadn’t tried purling and wrapping as you suggested. I feel much more confident now :woot: