Knitting off in pattern

Hi. I’m working on a jumper at the moment and it’s going well. I’ve come to a section and the instructions are: Cast off 6 stitches in pattern at the beginning of the next two rows.

Up to now with the jumper I’ve been working 6 different rows over and over again to maintain the pattern.

My first row in the pattern was just to knit across the whole row.

The row I now find myself at for this cast off is row 1 again. So does this mean I cast off 6 stitches with knit stitches?

I only ask because the first two stitches are actually purl stitches on this row. These have been normally knitted with my pattern all across the row but wasn’t sure if ‘cast of with pattern’ meant knit the knits and purl the purls (which I guess it would be for some patterns like 1x1 rib) or just keep on following the same pattern stitches as before for my row 1 i.e do them all knit stitch! Thanks for your time and I hope this makes sense.

You’re right to just use the knit cast off on this knit row, it does mean use the pattern kf the row you are on and not the pattern of the row below.

You also need to cast off on row 2 which will be a different pattern depending what row 2 of your 6 row repeat is. Or you could just purl cast off on the second row and follow the rest of the pattern as set. I’m assuming these are under arm bind offs and a straight knit or purl cast off will give a solid edge to either seam or to pick up stitches for a sleeve.

Is this at the underarm? I’m going all heretical here and straying from common wisdom. If this is for the underarm and is to be seamed later then casting off in knits no matter what the pattern is could well be my preferred option. Knits are easier for seaming and it’s not in a place anyone is ever likely to be getting a good close look when the garment is worn. If it’s for picking up stitches later then the same applies, knits are easier to deal with and it’s never going to be seen anyhow.

If someone has their face up close and personal with my underarm they better have a darned good reason. :rofl:


Thanks very much, so just to confirm I cast off with the row pattern and not what’s on the needle? Your right the start of the next row is different but I’ll just cast off with the pattern for that row.

I’m new to knitting and don’t know what underarm cast off is. I’m using straight knitting needles not circular.

Thanks again. I really appreciate your help.


Hi Grumpy Gramma,

Thanks very much for the advice :grinning:

Oops… I didn’t intend it as advice. You’re welcome to my ideas and thoughts to do with as you please including ignore them. lol

Yes you’ve got it.
What is theninstruction for the second row of your 6 row repeat? This is the pattern for the 2nd row of casting off.

However, as GG and I have have both suggested, it sounds like the under arm of your sweater and we’d both rather be presented with a little row of knits there to seam later. This means cast off knit wise on the first of these 2 rows and cast off PURL wise on the second row (this will present as a knit on the right side of the fabric).

Underarm cast off is just a few stitches in the body front and back which sits right underneath the arm pit. When the different pieces are joined together this allows the sleeve to sit in the arm hole nicely.

Thanks for your reply creations. So the 1st row cast off following my pattern is 6 stitches cast off. The pattern for the first 6 stitches on the second row to cast off is as follows: k2, p4. I’ve already done these two rows casting off with the pattern. Not sure if I purled all the 6 on the second row it would work due to the stitches being different types. I guess to keep the pattern at all knit stitches on the right side I’d have to p2, k4 so on the rs the first 6 stitches would be knit stitches? Is this correct? It’s defiantly the underarm section so won’t be able to see anyhow but like you said easier to seam.

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If you’ve already done it then perhaps just leave it as it is. It really isn’t going to make a big difference for these couple of stitches. If it was mine I wouldn’t go back and undo it just to change a couple of underarm cast off stitches.


Thank you so much for your help. There is another question I would like help with about the same jumper.

So like I mentioned before I’ve started the ‘shape Raglan’ section and cast off on the first two rows. In this section it gives instructions for two rows and I decrease on every alternate row. I understand this bit.

The bit I don’t really understand is that this section doesn’t mention to continue the cable section on the front of the jumper. On the photo for the finished jumper it shows these cable sections going all the way up to where I start shaping the neck.

Do I just take it as a given that I continue the pattern for my previous rows 1 to 6 and keep the pattern at the same time as doing the outside decreases for shaping the raglan?

To me this makes sense as otherwise the cable pattern would stop at the underarm section.

My next row is going to be row 1 of shape raglan. Now following my previous pattern this row would be where I cable the middle of the jumper but in the raglan instruction it just says knit to last three stitches which would mean the pattern wouldn’t continue or be even?

I’ve included a photo of the finished jumper just to give some reference and also the wording of just the ‘shape raglan section’.

Thanks again for your time and help.

Yes. You’ve got I exactly.

There is a chance that somewhere earlier in the pattern it might say something like, "these 6 rows set pattern with cable panel, continue this THROUGHOUT " and you are expected to keep going rows 1 to 6 all the way through, regardless of what other instruction is guven such as cast off or decrease.

The shape raglan has had 2 rows, these you said were rows 1 and 2 for your 6 row repeat so where it says 1st row this is your row 3 of pattern. Where is says 2nd row this is row 4 of your pattern. Where is says work 14 rows this is in addition to the 2 rows of decreases done and also a continuation of the 6 row pattern repeat (so next is 5, then 6, then 1, 2 …).
The reason the pattern here has what looks like new instructions is the shaping aspect is a 2 row repeat and it is telling you how and where to decrease.

Total decrease rows is 16 for the smallest size (not sure which size you are doing). Total decreases 16 stitches.

You may want to put some markers or loops of yarn where your cable section is or any other stutch change to he’ll keep on track as the decreases take place. Or read the knitting as you go so that you jeep the pattern in line.

You are understanding the pattern well.

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Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate you replying to me. Sometimes I think I know but always better to get the opinion of someone more experienced to save me from knitting loads and realising it’s all wrong!!! Thank you and have a nice rest of your day :grinning:

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It does say keep this row 1 to 6 pattern ‘Throughout’!

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