Hi. I’m working on a jumper at the moment and it’s going well. I’ve come to a section and the instructions are: Cast off 6 stitches in pattern at the beginning of the next two rows.
Up to now with the jumper I’ve been working 6 different rows over and over again to maintain the pattern.
My first row in the pattern was just to knit across the whole row.
The row I now find myself at for this cast off is row 1 again. So does this mean I cast off 6 stitches with knit stitches?
I only ask because the first two stitches are actually purl stitches on this row. These have been normally knitted with my pattern all across the row but wasn’t sure if ‘cast of with pattern’ meant knit the knits and purl the purls (which I guess it would be for some patterns like 1x1 rib) or just keep on following the same pattern stitches as before for my row 1 i.e do them all knit stitch! Thanks for your time and I hope this makes sense.