Knitting Peekaboo pullover by Universal Yarns. I am at the separation of back and front. I finished the back and transferred those stitches to stitch holder and transferred front stitches to needles to begin knitting the front. My question is how do I start the front with the yarn from the back piece with the yarn still attached to the back piece. This sweater in one piece starting with a sleeve. Thanks
Knitting neckline
Lovely colourful sweater.
Although the pattern doesn’t state to break off yarn in the back piece and rejoin at the front piece, this is what you will need to do.
Leave a tail of around 10cm to weave in later, cut yarn.
Leave a tail of around 10cm to weave in later and rejoin yarn to front stitches.
If you’re not sure how to weave in the tails or anything else, just ask, there’s lots of help here.
Thank you that is what I thought as pattern doesn’t make sense at that point. At lease to me😜
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Sometimes patterns don’t make sense to me either.
We’re lucky to have a forum to go to ask.
Hope it goes well.