I would like some suggestions for knitting gifts for the Elderly (Aged Ladies) I have knitted and covered coat hangers-crocheted the top of hand towels and crocheted around face washers - Cheers Aussie5
Knitting Gifts for the Elderly (Aged)
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This is so thoughtful of you. Crocheted totes that hook onto walkers (much like crocheted tops on hand towels) are handy gifts. Lap blankets, fingerless mitts and twiddle muffs can be knit or crocheted.
There is a charity called Care Wear Volunteers in the US. They make knit, crocheted and sewn items for hospitals and nursing homes. There newsletter may have more ideas.
Knit placemats are also nice….
Thank you for your suggestion - placemats always come in handy - Cheers Aussie5
Thank you for your suggestions - I have been looking for the patterns for the Crocheted Totes but cannot find any - could you please help me find them - Cheers Aussie5 (AUSTRALIA)
Would one of these work for you? https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/search#availability=free&craft=crochet&query=walker%20tote%20bag&sort=date&view=captioned_thumbs
This is a knitted walker bag🤔
A simple blanket to wrap around a person’s legs while sitting in a wheelchair. I’m 84 yrs and when I sit in upright position in my recliner with my feet positioned on a footstool watching TV, I wrap my lower legs with a small blanket. . .just an idea.
Thank you - I think they would take me too long - I would like something I can do a few of and not take so much time - Cheers AUSSIE5
In your wisdom can you suggest a couple of different quick and easy gifts I can knit - Cheers AUSSIE5
Hi Jeanpf - I am actually doing these gifts for our War Widows in Australia - I am with a Group for Legacy in Australia and at our Ladies Christmas Party we have lots of lucky door prizes and that is my aim to do some variety for them to pick from - Cheers AUSSIE5
Maybe washcloths? A couple of hand knit or crocheted washcloths might be appreciated. They can be different colors and there are tons of free patterns available. My personal favorites are knit in either garter stitch or seed stitch. Is US seed stitch called moss stitch in Australia? Whatever it might be called it’s a nice texture for a washcloth.
edit: As you intend these for a Christmas party you might find yarn in Christmas colors too!
Hi there - that is a great idea maybe with a small boxed soap and wrapped in cellophane paper - yes it would be called moss stitch there is also a seed stitch very similar - I have lots of 4ply cotton and I could double it or just purchase some 8ply cotton - I will look up the internet and a couple of other outlets - thank you so much for taking the time to contact me - Cheers
Whatever you decide to make, I’m sure it will be appreciated. Enjoy your projects.
Thank you
There is a trend for “soap savers” now (people moving to bar soap rather than plastic bottle soap). These are little cotton bags which a bar of soap is put in and a draw string pulled to seal it, and a loop to hang the bag up in the shower or from a bath tap etc.
I suspect the older generations are much more familiar with such things from their youth.
There are patterns online for free but really it’s just a rectangular bag to fit a standard soap, eyelets near the top will hold a draw string.
Scent bags for room air freshening or inside a wardrobe have a more modern twist when filled with the little balls of laundry scent which are now sold in supermarkets. Instead of putting the scented balls in the laundry machine they are kept in a little knitted bag. Like the old fashioned lavender bags.
Hi - I have taken your advice and found lots of knitted and crocheted soap savers - I have commenced one using 2 x 4 ply cotton - thank you for the advice much appreciated - Cheers
I like that but only smaller things would go in those pockets. Make it at least a size that a business letter would go in. You could make a deep tote with the opening on the top & then put those pockets on the front of it. I’m an old person & push a cart when I walk to the store. My totes never seem to be the right size for what I want to take along. Letters to mail, phone where it’s easy to grab. Water for the dog (Tupperware container with water. Umbrella. Reading glasses or sun glasses. Sun visor or hat. (Another suggestion. Many of us have eye sensitivity).
Hi - I know what you are talking about - I will have a look on Google or U tube Thank you for the advice much appreciated - at the moment I am doing fingerless gloves and cotton wash cloths (washers) and the fluffy coat hangers look great it was a bit hard sewing them up on the coat hangers - Cheers
How did you come to pick the name “Fluffy Yarn” ?