Knitting Booties, what does turn mean?


I’m teaching myself how to knit and can do the basics but am stuck on the next part of my pattern for booties.

I’ve just stitched the leg part and the next part of the pattern reads:

[I]DIVIDE FOR TOP OF FOOT: K19, turn, K11.[/I]

I get the K19 and K11 bits but what does the turn mean???

If it helps, the next instructions are:

[I]Work 18 rows garter stitch on these 11 sts, leaving remaining stitches on needles. Cut yarn leaving a 15cm tail to sew seams together later.[/I]

If you could help, I would totally appreciate it. :thumbsup:

turn means to work back and forth like it was flat knitting
you would knit the 19 sts and have them on one needle and using a second needle knit the next 11 stitches. Instead of continuing on in the round you would then leave the rest of the stitches on their respective needles and only knit back and forth on the 11 stitches for the called for amount of rows.
There will be a spot in your instructions for turning the heel (different type of turn) that will call for you to do partial rows back and forth. you will do a set amount of stitches (there might be some left on the needle, don’t worry bout those, we’ll take care of them later) turn your work like you are doing flat knitting, do the next amount of stitches etc. til the next part of the bootie. By the time you get the heel turned you will have worked off all the stitches on the needle and back to knitting in the round.
Oops my bad, thought you were knitting them in the round there hun. It’s still the same concept though. When the pattern calls for you to turn just do the required amount of stitches and flip the piece over and work back and forth for the amount required.

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You turn like you’re at the end of the row but won’t be, there will still be stitches on the left needle.

Knit 19, turn around and knit back over 11 sts. Then you turn again and knit only on the 11 sts. This is what’s called short rows and it’s for shaping.

Thanks heaps, I get it now and now the rest of the pattern makes sense too. :slight_smile: