Hi Everyone!
I hope I am doing this right. I am new to knitting and my pattern confused me I’m not sure what to do.
Pattern instructions:
K13, slip sts just worked onto st holder, (K1, increase) 3 times, K1, slip remaining 13 sts onto second st holder: 10sts
This started to confuse me I have 33sts since cast on I knitted the 13 fine and put them onto another knitting needle because I do not have a stitch holder, then I went ahead and knit one and then would knit and increase one three times and then knit one more leaving me with ten, then I did not knit the remaining 13 instead slipped them onto the match to the other knitting needle I was using as a stitch holder.
Am I right so far?
Now the instructions say:
Knit every row until Instep measures approximately 1 3/4", ending by working a wrong side row. Slip sts onto st holder; cut yarn.
My translation - I should only continue knitting the middle row 10 stitches until that is 1 3/4" then flip my knitting so the yarn is on the wrong side then knit? Is the idea that knitting wrong side will finish off the work is that why I am cutting it? I still have to work the sides and soles. I just need someone to walk me through this.
Hopefully someone can help me.
THANK YOU for taking the time to read this monster post!