In the last 3 days I have started a square for my aran afghan a sock(I only completed the toe increases) yesterday I started a stashgan because I read the Jauary KAL and was ispired,the worst part is I have yarn coming in the mail to make my husbands aunt a scarf and hat that I will to get on right away what is wrong with me???Why can’t I just stay focused
Knitting ADD(attention deficit disorder)
:teehee: I get like that sometimes too and then usually I start to feel overwhelmed…I can’t wait to see pictures of all your projects :yay:
I forgot I also have a wonderful wallaby on the needles as well!:gah: Oh well I will finish (or frog) eventually right.
I get like that sometimes too. I just get so excited about pairing up the perfect yarn with the perfect pattern that simply HAVE to see what it’s going to look like. I think it’s normal - no matter what anyone else says, it’s completely normal.
I’m glad to hear someone say it’s normal! I do that, too. I figure there is a benefit - if you get bored of one thing, you can do something else for a while (as long as you get back to the other one…) I am down to just one WIP right now (just finished a blanket) but have 3 other things ready to start. I actually like having multiple WIP’s. It gets weird, though, when one thing is on jumbo needles, and another is on size 2’s.
I say, knit on!!
LOL - I have 3 “active” projects going right now - a scarf for DH, a lace scarf for my mom and a hat for my son… I do a round on the hat, switch to hubbies scarf and do the 9 pattern rows, then onto mom’s and do the 12 pattern rows there (as many times as I can get in at night!). That way I don’t get bored [I]and[/I] everyone feels I am paying attention to their projects! (Tho hubby complains that I haven’t started a hat for him )
You’re in good company! So many projects, so little time!
I’m the same way! Glad you will be joining our January KH-KAL for the seamless blanket! Just work on it as you can. The scarf and hat for your relative won’t take too much time away from the blanket project. Some of us know that we will be working on our blanket for months, maybe even more. That’s ok, too. A stashgan can be an ongoing project for an entire year. As stash or leftover yarn becomes available, just add another log to the blanket!
Ha! 3? I think I have like 8 or 10… so don’t feel bad
You’re not alone.
I say I have three WIPs that I am working on right now, but it is closer to five or six. I’m also waiting on my first Oddball blanket because, you know, I need more knitting to do. :roflhard:
I haven’t had an FO since last winter when I finished my daughter’s scarf. I feel like I’m all enthusiasm and no commitment. :oops:
Let’s see… I have one pair of socks that I started Monday night… a tank I started ages ago and work on occasionally, a pull-over sweater that’s on hold while I figure out how to make it a cardigan instead without frogging it, a stole I started ages ago and work on occasionally… and I have 6 projects lined up for various friends that I will probably start working on before I finish everything else I have going. I went through a long spell where I had tons of things going but never seemed to finish anything… then suddenly I went through a spell where I finished something every few days! That spell rejuvenated me and now I’m back in the ‘lots of things going but nothing finishing’ phase.
I’ve finished two smaller projects while still “working” on a baby blanket. I’m about to start another one (or two!) because I just can’t help myself. I’m especially bad if I have time to spare, like with the blanket that doesn’t have to be ready until March. I simply cannot make myself focus on it when there are so many pretty things to make!
And Ravelry only makes it worse. I narrowed down my queue from over 500 (more projects than I could probably ever knit in 3 lifetimes) to just over 100 (still way too many).
Well, you better get on working. He he. Knittinf xan drive you crazy once you’ve realized that you have like 8 projects OTN. (I’ve been browsing the website.) Just try to limit your cravings.
Three, soon to be five projects? That’s not ADD, you are just enthusiastic about the so many wonderful patterns you have found!
Hey, if you’re new to knitting or newly returned to knitting or just found new patterns it like a duck to water, there is never enough!
I found that as many sets of needles I have that is about how many projects I’m likely to start. Knitting is still “new” to me so there is much adventure in learning a new stitch or pattern or method. I just want to try them all!
On the bright side, if you get tired of one project, you have several other projects for you to pick up and run with for a change of pace.
That is true Jack.I finished the scarf and hat and have already ordered more yarn for another sweater and as of 45 minutes ago cast on for another hat,the socks have been frogged because I can’t decide what pattern I want to use and the stashgan is slowly growing…aaaggghh I’m gettting dizzy!
I only just now decided to take some of my projects off the list. The mohair scarf for my sister is going to wait until I can get the tension just a bit prettier. The cheap but cheerful neckwarmer is on permanent hold. All efforts are now going into swatching for a some day something or other for my partner (he can’t stand wool, so I’m trying non-wool fibres out with a ball of each yarn and a small project), the glorious lace tunic I just got the yarn for this morning (one teensy little sleeve done!), and my first top down sweater, for which I’m waiting for the pattern to arrive but have the yarn already.
Even when I’m focusing, I’ve got multiple projects. Sad.
I have ADD too, but I have noticed that knitters, like serious readers, have more than one thing going at a time. On another board I read someone’s New Year’s resolution to be a more “serial monogamy” kind of knitter, LOL. Good luck with that…
So, I don’t think that ADD has anything to do with whether or not you knit one thing at a time. I know that what I exhibit as “symptoms” of ADD (trouble knowing where to start on big projects, procrastination, being easily distracted, chronic, debilitating disorganization, becoming easily overwhelmed, etc.) don’t really apply to my knitting or any of my other creative endeavors. Knitters are creative people and limiting oneself to one project at a time is just masochistic. I am always keeping my eye out for the next thing to add to my ever-growing stash of yarn and book collection. If anything, knitting has taught me patience and tenacity when working on projects and learning new techniques.
So many fibers, so little time! :knitting:
I’m glad I’m not the only one! I have so many projects going, and just started a market bag. I do like working on several things so I won’t get tired of the current one.