I am knitting a matinee set - done by Paton and and I have questions.
The matinee set is started from the top going down.
I am doing the first sleeve and these are the instructions.
Rejoin yarn to rem sts and work Firs. Sleeve as follows:
**Next row: (RS). K39 (43-49). Turn.
Next row: K1. Purl to last st. K1.
Cont on these sts in stocking st, shaping sides [U]by dec 1 st at each end of 9th (3rd-next) [/U]and every following 4th row until 33 sts rem. Work 2 (2-0) rows in stocking st, thus ending with WS facing for next row.
I have underlined what I do not understand. Could somebody help me with this.