Knitted or felted journal cover

Hey everyone, I’m looking for a pattern for a knitted or felted journal cover. I’m thinking about possibly selling them and I would really like some nice patterns. I can’t do cables so that’s a problem…lol and the pattern I did see was a cabled one and it was so awesome. So any help or ideas would be :muah: appreciated…thanks

If you want to sell them I suggest making up your own. The copyright rules are pretty strict. If you really want to use a pattern be sure you get permission from the pattern owner before selling a product made with that pattern.

ETA: I didn’t find a pattern. :shrug:

ETAA: I found one! I forgot to check Ravelry before. It is a Bernat pattern however so I don’t know if you’d be able to sell it. You could use it as a guide though to create your own. - scroll down to 2nd project. It’s sort of close.

You could use the project as a way to learn/practice cables. it’s a small enough project that if your cable doesn’t work you can always start over.