Knitted lace curtains

I am about to take on a project which some people might call ambitious, but most would probably call stupid. I would like to make curtains for my kitchen. And my bedroom. And possibly my family room.
I have the pattern from the Mason-Dixon Knitting book and another that I found somewhere on the web. I’m not wild about either. I would like for it to be fairly quick, meaning a simple lace pattern.
Any ideas?

Here’s one from Knit Picks.

I was going to post the one above, too. I also found this one

Here’s a diamond pattern one.

Here’s an idea of a pattern, you could probably work out fairly easily. I think the pattern here is for a knitting machine.

Thanks! Those are just the kinds of things I was looking for.

those are very pretty! Thanks!

Hi :grphug: ,

Hope this helps. I bookedmarked it a little while ago, haven’t tried it yet:frog: due to a recent project,lol. It is called the Dappled Lace Cafe Curtain. Free knitting download from .�+Curtain_PD50576220.html
:heart: Elise (MCGINNHOLD@MSN.COM)

Thanks again. I think I am going to try the one from KnitPicks. At least for the kitchen. After I posted this I had a “I’m so silly” moment and figured that I coudl use any lace pattern and just adapt it to the size I want. So I have a few more ideas to bat around, too.
Thought this one would look good. After all, a curtain could be just a big old scarf!

I think that would make a lovely curtain! I was going to suggest checking out a stitch dictionary from the library and just finding a stitch pattern you like. :slight_smile:

those are very pretty. thanks! :heart:

there is no such thing as a stupid question. :flirt:

I’m doing a lace curtain for the first time. Couldn’t find a pattern, so I found a lovely lacy scarf and repeated the pattern to cover the window. It was a pattern from here:

Maybe you could find one you like and do the same?


Ooh, that’s pretty. Thank you. That would look really good at the door.

That’s funny, I was just thinking about knitting curtains for my dining room, eventually. I was planning on finding a lace pattern from the Barbara Walker Treasury and adapting it.

Are there lots of lace patterns in that book? I’m not familiar with it. I don’t know if I want them the same everywhere or just a tad different in every room. What do y’all think?