Knitted hem

I am working on a garment knit cuff to cuff. On the first cuff (the cast on edge) I did a knit hem-- CO, knit 2 rows, knit turning row, knit 2 rows, fold in half, knit CO edge together with live sts.

So, now I am at the other cuff. How do I do the hem on the bind off edge?


You’d need to do the row seq in rev but then stitch the BO edge to the corresponding row of the sleeve. BO, fold back the hem, and whip stitch to just the WS loop on alt sts.


Thanks! Wasn’t sure if it was possible to do it without binding off first.


I’m sure you could work with the live sts, pick up and knit the back loops of the appropriate row. You could try it (might help to use a lifeline if your yarn might not make the row obvious). Just make sure to keep the tension equal to how you worked the CO hem. I’ve had better luck whip-stitching after the fact cuz I can achieve the the look I want. The only place the diff would show is on the inside. From the outside they should appear the same.
