Knitted Cat

I was making a cat as a gift for my husband and after several attempts, I have quit the pattern! I found another pattern but I am a little confused. I have decided not to stripe it, I am just going to use two strands together of latte cakes from caron (it will make it furry) Anyway, here is the first part of the instructions:
BODY make 1 piece
With Walnut cast on 12 sts for back edge
and cont in 6 row stripe pattern of 2 rows
Walnut, 4 rows Tabby.
Ss 2 rows.
So does this mean that I should knit 6 rows stockinette before starting the increases or 8 rows stockinette?

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What is the name of your pattern?
Sounds like 8 rows: 2 rows Walnut, 4 rows Tabby and then 2 more rows in Walnut. Why is doesn’t state that seems strange but that’s what it seems to be saying.

Its Tabby cat from Alan Dart- thanks for the help!

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This one?

I’d suggest not stressing out over it. Go with what you think is correct and maybe your kitty will be a little longer or shorter but it will still be adorable. I do think salmonmac has it right.

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I might have to get the Tabby Cat pattern. I’ve made this one several times using different yarn weights. You can bet no two were exactly as the pattern was written or that any two were alike.

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Yes that one, I looked at the parlor cat too, but I liked the muzzle/face shape better in this tabby one