Knitted breasts!

Hi everyone…I am looking for a pattern for knitted breasts for my DD to use in her breastfeeding class at work. I have seen pictures of these but not sure if there is a pattern available. Hope someone can help…Thank you x :grphug:

My cousin’s wife told me about a pattern for knitted breasts a few weeks ago. The pattern was meant for breast cancer survivors, but I don’t see why you couldn’t use it. I’ll email her and find out where she saw the pattern.

Yes that’s right they are for breast cancer patient’s too…Thank you so much x

Here’s a few, have fun!

I just found the pattern myself. Those are pretty close to the pattern that I was thinking about. Hope those will work for you.

I think I may get some strange looks knitting these outside or at work so I think this will be a project that I do at home!

I don’t think you’d get so many looks. They kinda look like hacky sacks. lol.

What a cute idea tho.