Hi guys, Im in some need of advice here. Im working on my first garmet, a pullover. I am on the left sleeve, have done the cuff and first 1/4 of the sleeve in st st. Now I have come to this part. I have highlighted in bold the parts I dont understand. Now all logic would be to continue on in st st, so what does [B]work 6[6:8:8:10] rows straight mean[/B]? Im using the largest size so Im doing the 10 rows which I understand but what does straight mean?
My other question is over this line, [B]Work 2[6 :0:4:0] rows straight[/B] Does that mean I do nothing, since Im on the biggest size which says ‘0’ and just move on to the next part of the pattern?
[B]Work 6[6:8:8:10] rows straight[/B]
(Adjust sleeve length here, if
required. Reducing 2 rows =
1cm shorter. Make a note of your
adjustment as this will also be
required on the Right sleeve)
Inc 1 st at each end of the
next and every following
8th[8th:9th:9th:10th] row until
there are 52[54:56:58:60] sts,
ending with a P row
[B]Work 2[6 :0:4:0] rows straight[/B].
Slip the 52[54:56:58:60] sts onto
the circular needle, RS facing.
The full pattern can be found here, its worked sideways on circular needles.