Myself and 4 other yarn-freaks are driving from Dayton, Ohio, to Minneapolis at the Mall of America, for the Knit Out & Crochet 2008 - Feb 16 & 17. Let us know if you’re going too! If you’ve been before, can you suggest any booths to visits, displays, etc…:woohoo: Hope to see you there!
Knit Out & Crochet 2008 - Are you going?
wow i wish i could! but mississippi is way too far away! im jealous! have a great time and buy lots and lots of yarn! :knitting:
Hey Val and everyone else, I did reply in the Knitters near you. I will sooooo be there! I love meeting people, so come say hi to me please! I will be in my cute pink “knitaholic” tshirt,I’m a short blonde, please accost me and say hello! (don’t really accost me, I might get scared, but PLEASE SAY HELLO!)