"knit each round for 5 inches"

I am confused about what this means.

Here’s my pattern I’m working with at this point (and I’m working with circular needles):

Cast on 108 stitches (I understand)

Rnds 1-4: Knit round (I understand)

Rnd 5: Purl around (I understand)

[B]Knit each round for 5"[/B]

Next Rnd: K3, place marker, K48, place marker, K6, place marker, K48, place marker, K3

Decrease Rnd: K3, SSK, knit across to within 2 sts of next marker, K2 tog, K6, SSK, knit across to within 2 sts of of next marker, K2 tog, K3: 104 stitches

Knit each round working Decrease every 2" 4 times more: 88 stitches

Thank you in advance! I’m making a cute dress for my new baby, Sunny Grace, with whom I am 20 months pregnant. :heart:

does it make more sense if you say ‘knit every rounds for the next 5 inches’ ? or ‘for the next 5 inches knit every round’ ?

You are adding 5 inches of length to your knitting from round 6 onwards by knitting every row.

Yeah, each round' refers toknit every round’ instead of doing a purl round. So after that purl round, knit every round for 5 more inches.

Thank you. That makes a lot of sense. I get it now. I appreciate your help. :yay: