Working on the smallest size of a romper with a design and I’m confused on the section beginning “knit diagram out from the middle st on the needle.”
With 17 stitches currently in my needle, Am I to knit the 4 rib, increase, knit 5, do the KNOT, knit 5, increase 1 then knit the 4 rib? Is this the general idea?
I think you have the right idea, to keep the pattern central, but either miscounted the stitches or made a typo in your post.
With 17 sts on the needle
Rib 4, inc, k4, knote, k4, inc, rib 4
If the 17 was a typo and you have a different number of stitches then the knit number will change but you’ve got the idea of centralising the pattern.
It might help to put a stitch marker either side of the centre stitch to help keep in pattern as the stitch count increases, it will give you a visual guide to keep things lined up.