I am returning to knitting after a very long time away and have begun a cardigan with a King Cole pattern 5648. I am just finishing the first sleeve. I have 88 stitches in the needle and have reached the Shape Left Front. My question is regarding the length of the left sleeve. It is only 15 1/2 inches long. Should I knit it longer to 18 inches before I start the next section as it seems a bit short on my arm or should I trust the pattern?
King Cole 5648 cardigan
Looks like this pattern has an option for 3/4 sleeve or a long sleeve. Perhaps check the pattern instructions to see which you are following as it could be you are looking at the 3/4 sleeve instruction.
Looks like this is knit sideways and the shaping is at the under arm. If it is not long enough for you I would continue to a length you prefer. Just make sure you count the rows or measure accurately so you can make the second sleeve match.
There may also be a drawing or schematic on the pattern showing measurements, or a chart with measurements given.
Some times when I have a pattern I forget there are other bits of information given on different pages.
I hate short sleeves so I’d go for longer rather than shorter but I know people who hate long sleeves and can’t bare anything other than wrist grazers or 3/4.
Hope this helps some
Thank you so much for your help. Yes it is the long sleeve but I will double check and I’m glad you agree. I just think it is common sense. I believe I am on track with tension. I think I am going to need more help with this but fingers crossed I can muddle through. There is no schematic on the pattern. It would be so much help to have one to understand how the pieces develop.
Many thanks
The cardigan I’m wearing had 45cm length wrist to under arm on the schematic and when I followed the pattern it came out at 56cm which sounds long but it fits great (about 22 inch). My tension gauge was taken into account too.
There are ways to add to finished knitting (eg add a cuff for extra length) and you can lways turn over a hem on a long sleeve or even shorten a sleeve by cutting a bit off and re binding off the edge. If it turns out you really dislike the length there is likely a way to make some alterations.
If you do get stuck again feel free to ask. In my experience this site is always welcoming and helpful.
Thank you!