Afternoon I’m really stuck on this. It’s telling me that I have 45 stitches which is correct but if I then do the next 2 lines it’s telling me to decrease one stitch at next edge which is good but it then tells me that I should now have 44 stitches but if you look at row 2 it tells you to k2tog as well as the decreased one which would leave 43 stitches. What am I doing wrong. Thanks for your help in advance
King Cole 4363
Welcome to KH!
The only decreases that you need to make in the first 4 rows after the 45sts are the K2togs in the 2nd and 4th rows. That’s one decrease each decrease row to take you to 44 and then 43sts.
Then the decreases are repeated twice to give 41sts and finally once more to leave 40sts before the armhole shaping. These decreases are at the neck edge inside the collar sts.
Thank you so much
Hi it’s me again sorry. I’ve done the 2 rows leaving me with 44 stitches which is right. They’re now asking me to work 7 rows decreasing one stitch in row 4. If I work 7 rows I’m going to be decreasing in rows 2 and 4 but according to the pattern I should have 43 stitches before I start shaping the armhole. It’s not adding up or am I being really stupid
The pattern is not written as clearly as you might wish but it does add up. Are you making the 4th size over all (3rd size in brackets)? For that size you need 40sts before the armhole shaping.
You now have 44sts. Call the next row, row 3.
Row 3 no dec
Row 4 decrease to 43sts
Row 1 no dec
Row 2 decrease to 42sts
Row 3 no dec
Row 4 decrease to 41sts
Row 1 no dec
Row 2 no dec
Row 3 no dec
Row 4 decrease to 40sts
Row 5 no dec
See if that helps and if not, come back and ask again. You’re almost there.
Hi I’ve circled what I’m trying to do but I need to have 43 stitches left before I start the armhole. I’m doing the biggest size which means I have to knit 7 rows and rows 2 and 4 are decreasing rows. My next row will be the third one. Thank you
I see. Sorry, I should have asked you the size you were making earlier.
You have 44sts before the circled section. Work the rows 1-5 and on row 4 decrease one stitch. Don’t work any decreases on rows 1,2,3 and 5. That will leave you with 43sts to start the armhole decreases.
Thank you. I’ll give it a try