King Cole 3160 cardigan pattern help

Hello, hoping someone can help as pattern driving me insane!

I’m doing the RIGHT FRONT of the cardigan and I’m up to the shaping of the neck, however the previous “do 21 rows in pattern” means I’ve finished on a knit row.
Sounds great as first line of shape neck is to cast of 5sts purlwise then purl to end - but I’m at the bottom of the cardigan and not at the neck end?

Has anyone come across this as I’ve already pulled undone once :unamused:

Thanks for your insights!

Welcome to the forum!
This little cardigan seems to be knit sideways. I would just knit up to the neck edge, turn at the end of the row and begin the cast off of 5sts on the purl side. It may be that the pattern is off a row or you miscounted the rows. One row here or there shouldn’t make a difference.