Kim Hargreaves pattern “Blank”

Hello, I am knitting the oversized sweater Blank by Kim Hargreaves and am very confused by the way she writes her patterns! I have knitted, realised my mistakes, frogged and carried on doggedly but knitting the front of this sweater has defeated me when I reached the shoulder and neck shaping. I am attaching a screenshot of the pattern section (bracketed in yellow) currently confounding me.


The first cast off is clearly marked RS (green) but then the next cast off (red) appears like it should also be RS but according to the ‘turn’ indicated above it we should be on the WS. I am inclined to assume that after the turn we should just put in a purl WS row till we begin the shaping on next RS row, but her using the description of this cast off row as the “2nd” row suggests to me a WS row since the 1st row was Labelled RS. Ugh…. The neck edge decreases of the next 6 rows (indicated in blue) as I understand it should begin on the same RS row indicated by the red arrow, and then should I decrease again immediately after the turn to the WS, continuing as such? I would be so grateful if someone can help me understand what to do here before I stuff the whole thing in a bag and hide it in the dark recesses of my craft cupboard…. :pray:

I find it helps to diagram this out or make a chart of neck decreases and shoulder bind offs along with the row numbers. Then I can check off the rows as I complete them.
I don’t know which size you’re making but let’s use the first size as an example. This is at least one interpretation of the shaping.

Call the Next Row under All sizes, row 1. Cast off 4sts then knit until you have 53sts on the right needle. Turn to to WS and work that row to the end (the armhole edge).
Cast off 4sts at the beginning of the RS row, row 3. Then cast off 5sts at the beginning of rows 5,7,9,11,13,15 and 17. That’ll be 39sts cast off not counting the initial cast off of 4sts.

For the neck, decrease at the neck edge of rows 3,4,5,6, 7 and 8. Then on rows 10 and 12 and 16. That’s 9sts decreased.

39 + 9 = 48 That leaves 5sts of the 53sts. Work across row 17 and bind off the final 5sts on row 18.

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Thank you @salmonmac this is amazing! You explain this in a way I can totally understand and I shall certainly use your idea to make a chart in future if I am stuck. I can’t wait to sit down this evening and get stuck in. This website is invaluable and I look forward to exploring it later :raised_hands:

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Have fun with the sweater! It’s an updated classic.