I need help with this pattern, attaching the sleeves ? There are 3 steps , and Im having trouble with step 2 .
Keep on Truckin’, by Elizabeth smith knits
The idea is to join the sleeve to the body starting just to after the held sts for the underarm. The right side or public side of the sleeve and body are facing you.
What is particular is causing the problem?
Thank you I got the first sleeve attached, But, I’m having trouble matching the correct needle to start the 2nd sleeve. So, not sure what I’m doing wrong .
It should be almost the same as attaching the first sleeve. It may help to pin the underarm stitches of the sleeve and body together, right or public sides facing each other. The stitches you’ve just knit across to come up to the sleeve in the right hand and the sleeve sts in your left hand.
Then knit across the sleeve sts to attach them to the body sts.
If you think it will help, you can post a photo of your knit pieces.
Thank you ! I watched a video , and the underarm stitches were placed in a safety pin. So, that seemed to help with attaching the sleeves . I’ll probably be back !
Hope it works but come back if it’s still a problem.
Thank you ,I definitely will . You’ve always been a tremendous help to me .
As I’m reading ahead on this pattern, the Buttonband section says to pick up and knit 3 stitches every 4 rows up to the top. I’m not familiar with instructions like this . So, you should pick up 3 st only every 4 rows until you reach the top? Wouldn’t this make the buttonband uneven?
That ratio actually works very well and is what I use all the time. It keeps the band from puckering or rippling. Pick up on the end of 3 rows then skip a row. The skip is unnoticeable.
Thanks so much for expanding! I never knew that all these years . I can see where skipping a row would not be noticeable. Also, my buttonholes never look great . I usually have to reinforce them around . Do you have any suggestions to make them look better?
What method are you using for buttonholes? I like the one row buttonhole for ease of working and sturdiness of the buttonhole. It’s not perfect but it’s do-able.
I’ve always had patterns that do the buttonholes with the YO, k2tog. But, They come out too loose , and they don’t have a nice trim around them. So, I end up reinforcing them, but that can be too bulky. The video you sent me is really nice , but I’ll have to write down the steps . Do you have any other buttonhole suggestion?
That’s the one I like. I’m sure there are others. I have to look at the steps every time I need to work a buttonhole.
Ok, that makes me feel better . Are you able just to follow the video, or your own written steps ? So, in this pattern, under the buttonhole set up, instead of where the YO begins, I can follow the video?
I have the steps copied from The Knitting Answer Book. I’ll check that to be sure.
You can really place the buttonhole wherever you’d like. If it’s a one stitch buttonhole, yes place it where the yarn over would be.
Thanks so much! I meant, explaining , not expanding! Lol You’re such an incredible help. The sweater is looking really good so far .
Hi! I’m back to completing this sweater ! So, I’m knitting the button band, you only skip 1 row? You pick up on 3 rows, then just skip 1 row?
If you’re picking up along a stockinette stitch edge yes, pick up along 3 rows then skip one and repeat. If you’re picking up along a garter stitch edge it’s pick up along 2 rows, skip one and repeat.
Thank you so much ! This pattern is Keep on Truckin by Elizabeth Smith knits
Ah, even cuter.