Hi everyone, I’m just about finishing a jumper for my grandson Bergere de France Sonora 16 Kangaroo pouch sweater, but I have a few queries.
- Back shoulder and neck , cast off 3 stitches at neck edge, work to last 3 (…) sts & put these on a stitch holder with the other 3 stitches from previous section. it carries on to place another 2 sets of 4 st onto the holder. My problem is that I have small holes appearing when I carry on in st st to finish the button border as a result of knitting the stitches on the holder.
2.Is there a simpler way of finishing the neck band without having to make a separate band and grafting on, or is this the best way?
3 In To Make Up it mentions making buttonholes without cutting thread and that the instructions are in book 2 which I don’t have can you please help?
As an aside, I asked about knitting with 2 strands of cotton yarn for a cardigan, unfortunately had too many distractions to complete but still on hold!!!