K343 - Atossa Top by Nazanin S Fard

I really need some help with this pattern… The instructions for the sleeves don’t work for me. It says to knit the pattern doing all the increases, knit in pattern for a total of 18", then bind off. This doesn’t make sense to me. The measurements for my size show the sleeve length as 18", which is “sleeve length to armhole”. The body shows 27", with 8" for the arm shaping… However, when you sew this up, you use 8" of the 18" for for shoulder to underarm, which would leave only 10" for underarm to wrist. That can’t be right. I checked the pattern on the website I bought it from to make sure I didn’t miss printing a page, but I got it all. I am so confused. Help!!!

Hi. I think you’re over thinking it. Imagine the sleeve piece placed horizontal to the body pattern where the indentation for the sleeves is. So you see, you’re only using a row for seaming. Make sense?


I think you might be thinking of how a raglan sleeve knits up a certain length to underarm and then continues with raglan shaping to the shoulder.
This sleeve is inset differently.
Green (just realised it looks more blue on here) line of sleeve bind off edge seams to green (blue) line of sweater arm hole.
Yellow lines seam together to make sleeve seam which runs from underarm to cuff.

The 18 inches runs from under arm to cuff and from shoulder to cuff.

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It is a dropped shoulder seam! Get that now… Never done one before… Had me puzzled. Thanks everyone! As usual, Knitting Help comes to my aid…:hugs: