K3 p3 ribbed beanie - how to decrease?

Hi everyone.

I’m currently knitting a beanie in a simple k3 p3 rib. Looks very nice, but unfortunately I have no idea how to do the decreases at the top - I would like to keep the ribbing going all the way to the end. I’ve knitted plain beanies and ribbed socks, but this is different. :??

I’ve got 102 stitches on 3 double ended needles, i.e. 34 per needle. I’ve searched online and found lots of instructions for k2 p2 rib, but nothing for k3 p3. That’ll teach me to try and do my own thing without a pattern! :oops: :wink:

Any suggestions? Thank you in advance. :slight_smile:


You can do your first decs on the purl rib, p2tog, so you’ll end up with k3, p2. Then do them on the knit rib, k2tog - k2, p2. Repeat - k2, p1, and again - k1, p1. Do a row in between the decrease rows. That should keep the ribbing fairly even though it does need to go down to the 1x1 rib. I don’t know a way to keep the 3x3 all the way to the top.



i agree with suzeeq.

decrease within the ribbing and keep a row between the decrease rows.

the only thing i would change is to do the first decrease in the p3, then do an even row and then do the second decrease also in the purl stitches. you see the knit ribs most and i think it would make it look a little better to keep those continuous for as long as possible.
either way would probably work.


Yeah, that’s an idea too, SandraEllen. Go from k3,p2, to k3, p1 then start decreasing on the knit stitches. Depends how many decreases you need to do. You could try either way - see what looks better to you.


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Thank you both so much for your help! I will try what you suggested - sounds quite simple really. :slight_smile:

Thanks heaps!

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