Just ordered

:woot: So excited can’t wait until they get here. I just ordered 3 different sizes of the harmony knit pick interchangeable circulars 9, 10 and 11 plus 1 24" cable and the 32" cable. I will be making my own case to keep my needles and cables in. :woohoo:

Good for you! I love my Knitpicks needles! I have a couple cases like this (different colors although I love this one!) and I love it! I like that it has a snap as I hate velcro or ties.

Enjoy! :muah: They’re awesome!!!

I’m just hopeing that since they are coming out Vancouver, WA and that I am in buckeye, AZ that it won’t take 5 to 15 days to get them, they were shipped out on Wed. I’m getting real tired of the cable on the bamboo circulars. :knitting:

Did you check to see if they’ve been shipped? I always do that and then watch to see where they are. :lol:

I feel you on waiting to continue a WIP until they arrive, I was in the same boat waiting on my first needle order from them.:wall:

Knit Picks shipping is usually quite fast - I live on the Mississippi Coast and typically get my orders about 4 days after they’re placed. But with the holiday season starting the one I’m waiting on now may take a wee bit longer. Here’s hoping you get the usual fast service on your circs!

They were shipped out on Wed. and I did not get a tracking # just my order and customer #, wondering if this is because I did standard shipping? I figure if I don’t get them by this comeing Wed. I’ll call them.

There is actually a place you can check for tracking on there. I think it’s in your order you click on the order number or something. You don’t get an ordinary tracking number like UPS as I recall.

Jan in CA, I did check the site and it is showing that they are here in Phoenix, AZ which means I should have them when I get home from work :woot: :woohoo: :happydance:


:heart: :heart: got my knit pick needles today and I love them, they are so much better than the bamboo needles.:heart: :heart:



:woohoo: :happydance: :yay: I know you will love them!

Thanks everyone…I do love them…I do have one ? will the ends on the harmony’s weardown to where they are not as sharp? i hope not.

Mine have not and have used them for several years now, several of the sizes (7 and 8’s) numerous times too. Enjoy! :woohoo:

I’ve never heard of that happening. I’m not sure how knitting could even do that. I guess as long as you don’t use them for utensils or toothpicks they are probably good for a long while. :teehee:

That said… occasionally there are problems like the cable comes out of the join or something, but KP is always very good about replacing anything no questions asked. :thumbsup: