Just have to say thanks to our experienced knitters

…especially our Mod Squad!

I’m always sure I can get an answer here to almost any question, and usually really quickly – so helpful when I’m stuck in the middle of a knitting session. I try to give back and answer what I can, taking the example of people here, but I remain in awe of the expertise and helpfulness experienced knitters show here…with no snarkiness or sarcasm or any of some of the unpleasantness you can find elsewhere. (My avatar all aside, I actually don’t care for that sort of thing, really.)

So, [B][I]THANKS[/I][/B], you guys. All the help and care you guys show is truly appreciated! :heart:

Hear, Hear! I wholeheartedly agree and add my thanks!

:aww: Thank you! I certainly do not consider myself an experienced knitter since I’ve only been knitting for 3.5 yrs, but I help where I can.

Thanks guys!!!

:muah: :cheering: :hug:

Likewise, I always know I can get the help I need by posting on here.

I say thanks too. No question to big or too small. Thanks!!!

I wholeheartedly agree!! :heart: I really appreciate the answers I’ve gotten here - they’ve been really helpful! And, I love how supportive everyone is towards each other’s projects. :muah: This is such a cozy, friendly place :grphug: I’m glad I found you all… :cheering:

I totally agree!! I have been knitting for less than a month and have gotten so much help and encouragement to keep at my knitting.

I totally agree!! Every question I’ve asked has been answered amazingly quickly. I can’t wait for the day when I have enough experience to answer other people’s questions.

Adding my 2 cents too. All my questions have been answered so quickly and, because of it, I’ve kept on knitting. I’m always talking about this site to people and encouraging my new knitting friends to stop on by. You guys rock!! Seriously!

I, too, love having this place in my knitting arsenal!

There have been times when this place kept a project from incineration. :slight_smile:

I can say without a doubt, I would not be knitting if it were not for this site. I have even turned my 23YO niece on to knitting… Much love and adoration for all the helpful folks here!! [I](And the speed in which answers come is amazing!)[/I]