Typically I’m not one vent on forums, but, I just gotta let loose…lol…
Ok, it all started in mid December when my daughter got a cold. She had a typical cold, stuffy nose, blah, blah, blah. Then, my son got that cold…Stuffy nose, sore throat, etc. They both ended up with a cough that wouldn’t go away and, though they were no longer actually sick, sick, they still had some symptoms such as stuffy, runny noses, and of course, the cough.
Then, Dec. 22 rolls around. My whole family went to my grandma’s that day for an early x-mas celebration at grandma’s. One of my cousins had a stomach flu and declined to tell anyone. We found out only after she had made several trips to the bathroom to get sick, and, later confessed that on their almost 2 hour drive to my grandma’s, they had to pull over a few times so she could get out of the car to get sick! What just gets me the most is she had the nerve to hold the kids and babies, KNOWING she had a stomach bug! So, of course, the majority of my family got it as well. My son was too sick on x-mas day to even open presents…he slept all day. My daughter was ok during the day, but, by the evening, she was getting sick too. That lasted a little under week.
So, the kids finally seemed to be improving, the cough was starting to go away, no more stuffy, runny noses, and, they no longer had the stomach flu. The Sunday after x-mas, we went to my father in law’s house for x-mas (he always does his after x-mas). When we get inside, he tells us that a couple of my nieces had pink eye, but, they weren’t contagious anymore…HA!!! The following Tuesday, my daughter had pink eye, and 2 days after that, my son had pink eye as well! So, I call the dr. get the eye drops and after about a week, the pink eye is gone. However, in that time, they’re starting in with the stuffy noses again, the coughs are picking up again, but, they don’t complain or even act sick.
Moving on…lol…A small amount of time passes, and, my daughter starts complaining of a sore throat. I give her Children’s Tylenol and she said that seemed to help a bit. A few days later, she complains of her ear hurting and both ears being clogged. My son is still stuffy, and still has the cough as well. I call the dr. and make an appointment. My daughter did have fluid in here ears and an infection was beginning to form. However, he said the cause of the cough was difficult to determine because there’s so much that has been going around, people are getting over one thing and getting another. He checked for bronchitis, but (thankfully) no bronchitis. He gave me some samples of Singulair for the kids and, prescribed an antibiotic for my daughter’s ear infection. That was a little over a week ago.
Towards the end of last week, and, the beginning of this week, my husband has been really sick. Typical cold and feeling very run down. My daughter also has complained her ears are still clogged though they no longer hurt. My son, at this point, is STILL stuffy and has a cough.
Let’s move on to last night. We’re watching the Democratic debate and I decided that at the 1st break, I’d put my son to bed. It was about a half an hour past his bedtime, but, I didn’t want to miss the debate…lol…
So, 1st break comes, I get up, tell my son it’s time for bed, he starts complaining, so, I pick him up and carry him to his room. Well, my kids had been playing in my son’s room and decided to make a HUGE mess by dragging toys out of the closet and leaving them scattered all over the floor. I’m struggling with my son anyway because man, this boy is HEAVY! He doesn’t have an inch of fat on him, but, he is solid! He’s only 3 and I have a really hard time holding him. So, I’m trying to keep a hold of him (while yelling at them about the huge mess that needs to be cleaned up), kicking toys out of the way so I can get to his bed, and, step on a toy just enough to lose my balance. I begin to regain my balance and then somehow, everything goes to hell…I totally lose my balance, fall to the floor, my son falls to the floor, bangs his head on the floor, and, I hear my ankle snap. I immediately felt dizzy, sick to my stomach, shaky and had what felt like hot flashes. I somehow manage to get up, with the help of my husband, grab an ice pack and hobble back to the couch. Well, the pain becomes so intense I tell my husband I think I should go to the ER to see if it’s broken.
Now, I’m not a “baby” when it comes to pain but I swear, aside from having my kids, I don’t think I’ve felt a worse physical pain as I did last night after my ankle snapped.
We go to the hospital, blah, blah, blah. Turns out my ankle is not broken (thank goodness!) but, it is sprained and I have to stay off my feet for about 3 days…The best part is, I walk my daughter to school! HA! That was really fun today! Trying to hobble around on crutches with 2 kids in tow while it’s COLD outside…LOL!
But, it still doesn’t end there! My husband is still really sick, last night my son throws up, and, this morning my daughter wakes up and says she’s having chest pain! So, my husband has to take her back to the dr. today to find out what’s wrong with her. My son seems to be doing better, still a bit of a cough but no more getting sick, and I can barely move around. GAH! I truly hope this is no indication of how the rest of my year is going to be! :lol:
Anyway, just had to get that off my chest, thanks for listening…If you made it this far…LOL