What’s the best way to join wool together when knitting?
Joining yard
Mattress stitch is good for invisible seams.
Hi I mean when you come to the end of a ball of wool and have to start a new ball of wool. I’m a new knitter. Thx
Sorry I misread your message. Work the first stitch with the new ball and the old yarn together (I also work the next stitch in the same way) check tension then drop the old yarn and carry on with the new. Join a new ball at the edge of the work rather than in the middle of a row. Hope this helps.
There are several ways to join in a new ball.
I prefer to leave a tail of 4 to inches of the old yarn, so don’t work it right up to the very end, then just begin with the new yarn, again leaving a 4 inch tail. Just knit and hold on to the new tail to give a bit of tension. The first few stitches will be a little loose but you can snug them up by pulling on the tail, not too hard. After working another row or round the stitches will be firmly in. The tails are woven in later on to secure them.
There are videos of how to weave in the ends so that it is not visible on the Right side of your project.
There is also a way to weave in ends as you knit, I like this too but it’s a bit trickier.
If it’s 100% wool and NOT superwash wool, you can spit join - no tails to deal with
There’s also this join which works well in lace patterns where hiding tails can be challenging. Like spit splicing, no tails to weave in but a bit of preparation.