I am wondering how to join a bound off sleeve to the body of a sweater done in stockinette stitch. Thanks!
Joining sleeve
there are a [I][U]whole lot [/U][/I]of "IF’S"
are you trying to put stockinette together with garter? stockenette to stockenette? is there shaping involved?? If there is shaping, you may need to use a combination of techniques.
If you have the Readers Digest, Knitters handbook, by Montse Stanley, It shows you how to do all these senarios. (its just been an invaulable book to me. I keep it handy.)
Do a search on "grafting…"
I dont have a link to the pattern so I cant help much.
basicly, you go into the bar on the other side of the bound off row and into the armhole in a duplicate stitch sort of way. Again, there are a whole lot of ifs.
If you can provide more information…link to pattern or answers to some of the questions above…i can help more.
Here is a link to a free on-line knitting book. This is the contents page. Chapters 17-22 (not including chapter 20) are about seaming. I’m pretty sure you will find what you need here if you look carefully at all of it and use the parts that apply. LINK