Joining row

I am knitting a cardigan on a circular needle. I am now at the joining row and the instructions say: Knit next st tog with corresponding st picked up along cast on edge. Repeat from * across.

I have no idea what they are talking about. I have to knit the next stitch together “with corresponding stitch picked up along cast on edge” (that is the part I do not understand). Does anybody know what it means and how to do it. Thank you in advance.

Can you tell us what the name of the pattern is and give a link if you have it?

I assume that you’ve knit a few rows already. Before you knit the next st, look down the column of sts directly below it and pick up the st on the cast on edge, put it’s loop on the left hand needle and knit it together with the next st. Repeat this for each of the sts on the left hand needle. You’ll be making a hem or tuck in the knitting.

It is a Bernat pattern (Urban Weekend); there is also a number: 530178, I am knitting the first pattern of the book, a cardigan and beret.

Yes, thanks, I can see what looks like the hem in the cardigan. Try the directions I posted above to knit together each cast on st with each st from the current row.