Joining legs to a toy

Hi everyone. I am knitting a toy cat and it is telling me to knit the legs into the body! I don’t have a clue what I’m supposed to do and the instructions are not making sense. It says place one leg in front of next 4 sts (inserting needle through all layers at top of leg and next st, k1) 4 times. Is there some special name for this so that I can find a video?

Welcome to KH!
What is the name of your pattern?
If you had live sts at the top of the leg you would be knitting one stitch from the leg together with one stitch from the body. Instead of live leg sts, the pattern has you insert the right hand needle into the sts of the leg, then into one of the live body sts and knit the two together.
It will help to know the pattern name to be sure however. I can draw a diagram if that would help.

The pattern is the rainbow cat pattern from knittingnetwork.

The yarn makes a wonderful contribution to this pattern. Thanks for the pattern name.