I started knitting this year and I’ve been having some trouble when joining two pieces in the round.
Ex I’m knitting a top with top down method, making back part then front part to join in the round for knitting the body.
When I come to joining in the round part, I knit a few rounds and I can see a distinct difference between the previously knitted parts (back&front) and the round (body) part. Like the two previous parts have larger more “flat” stitches and the round part has smaller more “neat” parts.
I do not know a name for this and have therefore not been able to research this.
I do not have a pic for I include, but I am joining a piece in the round just now and can include a picture when I notice a difference.
So my question is; have any one of you experienced this? Do you know a name for it so I can research it?
Do you know how I can fix this? Can you link/name a video?
I feel I’ve progressed so much since I started knitting this year, but this is truly a huge block for me, to the point where I am considering not joining in the round but knitting separate pieces to stitch together later which is so frustrating bc it feels like a failure.